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Ya-Chi Hung

Senior Research Scientist, USC Race & Equity Center

Ya-Chi Hung is a Senior Research Scientist in the USC Race and Equity Center at the University of Southern California. Hung is a quantitative researcher with a substantive focus on college student success, campus climate, and survey methodology and data quality. Her recent and ongoing work includes understanding degree aspirations and graduate school access for underrepresented student populations, identifying challenges in assessment in higher education, and seeking ways to capture data for underserved college students. She is currently in charge of the data and research work of the NACCC project, a national racial campus climate survey focusing on the race, equity, and inclusion issues among college students. Hung is a doctoral candidate in Higher Education at the Pennsylvania State University. Previously, she worked in Student Affairs Research and Assessment at the Pennsylvania State University where she supported the institutional research, programming, and strategic decision-making needs of the division of student affairs.

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