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MAPS Data Tools

Higher education leaders need new ways of understanding where their students are coming from and what they need to be successful. The suite of MAPS data tools offers opportunities for critical insight and foresight into institutional performance within a rapidly changing market. These tools empower leaders to ask better questions and make more informed decisions based on actionable, data-driven insights.


Student Trends and Enrollment Projections Dashboard

The Student Trends and Enrollment Projections (STEP) Dashboard visualizes the relationship between population data, enrollment data, and the potential impacts of trends like distance learning. The dashboard was created in response to a market need for a tool to connect the broad landscape of higher education to national and institutional actions and provide foresight into upcoming shifts that will impact the industry.


Financial Health Dashboard


To achieve their missions, colleges and universities need appropriate resources - but right now, resources aren't equitably distributed across the postsecondary system. This has real consequences for equitable student success, particularly for historically marginalized students. Leaders need tools that provide deeper insight and equitable foresight into how financial decision-making affects student outcomes historically and moving forward.


Across the U.S. higher education industry, different colleges and universities produce uneven outcomes for students - placing them on a path to greater economic mobility or leaving them less well off. These gaps are especially pronounced for students of color, students from low-income backgrounds, and rural students, who face more hurdles even at well-resourced institutions.

Institutional Equity Outcomes Dashboard

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Use Cases

These use cases provide fictional examples of higher education leaders' experiences using the MAPS tools to gain insights into their institutions’ financial performance with an equity lens.


Although the use cases are de-identified and based on fictional narratives, they do employ actual data from all three of the dashboards.


Read all three use cases below:

  • Are the tools free?
    Yes. The three data tools are free and available for public use.
  • Who can use the tools?
    They are available to the public, and anyone can use them. However, they were built specifically to provide college presidents, governing boards, and other higher education leaders with unique insights for strategic institutional planning.
  • How do I use the tools?
    The three tools may be used individually or together for more robust insights and context. A video overview of each tool is provided on its landing page.
  • How were the tools created?
    The data dashboards were built by a team of data scientists at the Sorenson Impact Center.
  • What data do the tools use?
    They use data from various sources, including IPEDS and College Scorecard. Technical methodologies can be found on each tool’s landing page. Note that the data collection methods employed by these sources may omit certain groups, including gender nonbinary individuals, from their categorization.
  • Who do I contact if I have questions about the tools or how to use them?
    Please contact the Sorenson Impact Center.
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