Student Trends and Enrollment Projections Dashboard
The Student Trends and Enrollment Projections (STEP) Dashboard visualizes the relationship between population data, enrollment data, and the potential impacts of trends like distance learning. The dashboard compiles national and industry-specific data to help higher education leaders gain foresight into upcoming shifts in the industry that could impact their institutions and students.
The dashboard provides higher education leaders with an understanding of how and where undergraduate students are choosing to attend college, how that has changed over time, and what enrollment could look like in the future. These actionable insights can help inform recruitment efforts, strategic planning, resource allocation, and innovative investment opportunities.

Explore the Dashboard
What the dashboard is:
Future-forward: Pairs historical data with demographic and enrollment projections out to 2030.
Robust: Shows how many first-year, first-time, full-time students are currently enrolled at institutions within their home states and the percentage enrolled in out-of-state schools.
Relevant: Displays data on exclusively remote undergraduate student enrollment, categorized by in-state vs. out-of-state status.
What the dashboard is not:
​Prescriptive: Does not prescribe specific solutions, but rather a holistic perspective of national trends impacting the industry.
​Condemning: Does not predict the future failure or success of any state, sector, or institution.
Exhaustive: One resource to be used in conjunction with other tools for a robust and contextualized understanding.
Static: Expect changes to the dashboard over time as new data and feedback become available.

Uneven Terrain: The Shifting Landscape of Enrollment Trends in Higher Education
Threats of undergraduate enrollment decline have dominated higher education headlines for years. But are enrollment declines impacting all sectors and types of students in the same way? In this paper, we explore the trends around enrollment in higher education, illuminating the disparate experiences of different types of institutions in a system that is too often treated as monolithic. This paper also covers enrollment trends for students with an intersectional demographic lens, exploring trends by race, gender, and type of institution. Finally, this paper covers innovative strategies for increasing enrollment and retention, as well as system-wide tools designed to support the sector as a whole in reviving and better serving an increasingly diverse student population.